The two paintings on display here is painted while looking at some vintage graffitiphotos. One of them I call "yard" and is of a train going into a hall, with some pieces by Kindo and Part painted on the side. Its all about the crazy mess of the yards back in those days and about trying to catch what you might call "the flavor" of that time when people could get super loose on the sides of the trains of New York.
The other picture is called "Zeph" and is of the artist Zephyr in action. I really like this guy, both his artistic styly and the personality. I had the great fortune of meeting him when I was younger and trying to be a graffitipainter myself. He gave me som photos from the olden days and some of his stickers and some kind words of advice on the way.
Vet ikke helt hvorfor, men når jeg ser disse bildene fikk jeg lyst til å se noe som du har lagd, satt i en sånn typisk postapokalyptisk setting, med litt dystrere farger enn ellers.