fredag 19. november 2010

Two paintings about classic graffiti

The two paintings on display here is painted while looking at some vintage graffitiphotos. One of them I call "yard" and is of a train going into a hall, with some pieces by Kindo and Part painted on the side. Its all about the crazy mess of the yards back in those days and about trying to catch what you might call "the flavor" of that time when people could get super loose on the sides of the trains of New York.
The other picture is called "Zeph" and is of the artist Zephyr in action. I really like this guy, both his artistic styly and the personality. I had the great fortune of meeting him when I was younger and trying to be a graffitipainter myself. He gave me som photos from the olden days and some of his stickers and some kind words of advice on the way.

onsdag 20. oktober 2010

Your not atractive unless someone is looking at you, woman.

This blue woman is born in the eyes of a lovelorne man. He wants romance, she wants to be seen, to live. This might work for a while, but the atomic superman of the future is on his way, and he wont be giving anyone life with his eyes, no matter how blue and pretty they are.

søndag 10. oktober 2010

Mr Normal in zombietown

Its about enjoying some zombiepainting, not about telling the public something about life in the future. The normal man is wearing a pin with the omegasymbol on, so he might be the last man on earth. Still in a great mood.

Dont dress up as a robot with those silly boxes when your sisters in hot water, you stupid little shit.

The title should say it all, but still.. If you cant help out when it all goes sideways for your sister, you wont get far, no further than this broken down old house. And if you think the outside is bad, you should see the inside, of the house, not my heart wich is pure and pretty on the inside. Stop trying to make it about me!.

søndag 6. juni 2010

Taking part in real life, somehow.

Its the 17th of may and the children live it up. I helped out with the banner this new kindergarten will be marching under. The name changed, but the dream lives..

onsdag 28. april 2010

No dentalproblems, but the rest is my problem.

Its probably needless to say whats going on here, its all about brushing and keeping your "choppers" clean. When something is off with the teeth, or in the mouth in general, all hope is lost..

So, have you heard about the popular group "Queen" ?. I cant help you with your schoolwork, but I can ask you things like that..

The one who dances with his cat.

This one is dedicated to my cat, or to the memory of my cat. I was listening to some tapes from my younger years a while back. I would try to tape songs by holding my tapedeck close to the tv and get all the rageing tunes off the movie "thrasin" to listen to on my walkman. While I was doing this my cat would show up and make all kinds of noice, and this is what I heard on my tape, 14 year old me and my cat, fighting it out in front of the old tv. So there it is.. dancing with his cat.
We had some great times that cat and me and Il never forget my time as a petowner.

søndag 11. april 2010


A little part of a bigger picture, re-done and put in a jaunty little frame. This dead old woman wants to get her hands on mr 50s clean, thinking that shes got it made, with some kind of heart gurgeling about on top of her dry chest. She lost touch with reality when she died.

torsdag 8. april 2010

Im so blue, set fire to my wife please.

Its world war two and the "Nips" are trying to bring some horror to the white man, by burning his woman. Later, we will be turned on in a sick way by this kind of action, imaginations will run on about the cruel things the evil powers might have done to pretty young women back in those crazy days.

tirsdag 9. mars 2010

Something to see.

This weekend only.. See older men functioning as sideshows to arty youth, your favorite cartoons doing unspeakable acts of depravity, a smiling beersalesman and a gallery.

onsdag 3. mars 2010

The arcade of shame.

Its not hard to see whats going on here.. Its all about traditional arcade gameing. Non of that crazy modern stuff where kids from the sunny side of the lake spend their lives online, trying to move some elf with a sword into a mountain or whatever they wanna move the elf into.. Goofy is a wicked warden and sporting a omegatattoo. The blank face tell us nothing about his toughts on the thing hes doing to the young girl. She is inspired by the great movie "Born innocent".
This picture will feature in a upcomming show in Oslo where Il be joining some young artists, making them look good with my bloated old corpse in a corner... Come out and have your picture taken next to a man in a mask.

tirsdag 9. februar 2010

Two heads, but born to live.

Ive been enjoying some of those freak and sideshow posters of late and decided to try it out. All the freaks seems to be "born to live" from what the posters say and this I really liked, so I threw in one of those great bannners with a pig I saw in a poster about a farm of marvles.
Look out for more freaks in the future. A lobsterboy or a very fat man (other than the one writing this) might show up here in the future.
While I was doing my freakshow research I came over something very strange that seemd to be the trend between the great wars. This was postmortem photos of babies.. And they made them look alive somehow. Im no babylover, in any sense of the word, but this gave me a bit of the old "creeps". Look it up if you feel like ruining a day or some hours, depending on how hard your skin is. For me it passed in a cople of minutes... All riiight.

fredag 5. februar 2010

Clean countryliving and great hats.

A cople of feelgood pictures comming your way this fine day.. A 50s cartoon look at the glory days of building America. Going to church, living in a shack, spending days outdoors, feeling good and strong and listening to someone blowing on a jug. I had a great time doing these picture, enjoying some Southern Comfort and The Louvin Brothers on my sound system.

tirsdag 26. januar 2010

Omega Snakepunchino.

Ive been very interested in the book and movie about Bozo Texino, the boxcar artist. Old men writing with chalk on freight trains, drinking in strange places, the fuzz trying to ruin it for people and all other kinds of good times was had by these guys. Its still trying to go on, but the future is more or less killing that culture, or so it seems to me, the uninformed outsider.
I decided to make my own little hobo moniker, with the sign of the omega in it. A cowboy might not be the most original way to go, but I feel that with hhis 50s flavor and all hes got something going for himself. I wish I could take him on the road with some chalk and paintstick, a jug of vine and a banjo.. I think the banjoplaying comes naturally after a cople of days on the floor of a boxcar.. Or, playing the jug, blowing a tune, that might be the way to go for me.

torsdag 21. januar 2010

The return of that zombie, from the last picture.

A closer look at the zombie from the last picture. I had such a good time painting that zombie, so I decided to do another one, on one of those minicanvases. This time I tought Id try to paint like a real artist and dont use the paintmarker in the end. I just let the brush dance around, had some jazz on and everything. But, I didnt feel as artistic as I tought I might have done, this was probably due to my dislike of the vino, you need to drink that crap to feel like one of those dancingbrush artistic people.
Still, the zombie looks good and in the end, nothing else matters..
Whats important right now is to avoid getting into some kind of trap where I paint zombies all the time, and its harder than you might think. The zombies are very tempting.

onsdag 13. januar 2010

A long hard look at "the self".

So, here it is, Im painting myself for the first time. Ive mixed it up with some images from weird movies and a pop artish little fork. Do I wanna eat a brain ?. Thats for the viewer to decide.
My plan for life after a global disaster starts off with dogeating, since Ive never been a big fan of the dogs, but when the shit hits the proverbial fan Im not leaving any stone unturned. Unless the thing that ruins the world is a zombierevolt, in wich case Im planning to join the walking dead. The trick will be to get bitten, but not eaten too much, just a little bite. Also, I wanna wear something cool to become one of the fancy zombies. No one wants to be the naked zombie with no arms and legs...

torsdag 7. januar 2010

My grandfather loved french cars.

The painting from the step by step situation, in all its glory. Its about my grandfathers love for french cars, but also about some other situations, like apes passing for men. The apes will probably rule the world after some kind of atomic meltdown and they will use nets. Ive never been in a net but I think its very hard to deal with. One of those situations where its better to swallow ones toung and be done with it all.
The guy in the green suit should be doing all right, but his head seems to be all over the place. Not unlike mine when I was doing this picture, it goeas in all kinds of directions, very hard for viewers to enjoy.. Thats something that gives me a perverted sense of joy, when someone is trying to enjoy a painting, but dont get there.

Step by step, the birth of a great painting.

Its time to get technical and boaring on this blogg. A guide to painting like me. Ive never gotten anything out of guides like this, but I really enjoy watching Crawshaws peacefull programs about watercollorpaintings of nature.. A program like that about my paintings would probably have been unbearable, but here it is in four pictures, not so much about what goes on on the side, with the drinking, redneckmusic and old weirdomovies.
This is painted on wood, so the first thing I do is to put on a light green foundation. Then I use paintmarkers to draw the figures and situations onto the wood. The have all been drawn up with a pencil on paper first and I look carefully at those drawings all the time while marking them onto the wood.
In the next step I paint the background blue, then I jazz it up with some spraypaint to add some confusion to that part of the picture.
From there, in step 3 I fill inn all the figures colors with acrylics. This takes a good deal of time, but its still the part I enjoy the most.Mixing colors and letting the brush dance along makes you feel like a real artist somehow.
Then its on to the final part, where it all become clear. I use a black posca paintmarker to draw all the lines and the figures come to life.

When all this is done the picture is ready to be put away in my storage after a picture is taken and put out on this blogg to impress my handfull of followers. The circle of life goes on and on...

mandag 4. januar 2010

Ive got my own problems dear.

Same situation as the one under here, but with the added twist of a man falling to pieces. He cant deal with the futere, he cant save his daughters, his wife or his mother. All he can do is look at his hand. Looking at your hand does nothing for anyone.

Your room, but you cant control the rest..

Il start the new year with a cople of semi perverted paintings. Its about very bad Disney, some kind of horror and how todays youth might be fooled by bright colors and such.. Its all comming in to their room from the computerscreen. If I had children Id go mad and break all the computers. All the computers in the world..