A cople of new works. Small canvases about blue women whos carried off by brutes, a lifeguard with a big old horsemask from Africa and a great ape. The ape is in leage with a robot and the lifeguard is working for the planet of the apes. Ive been enjoying my "Planet of the apes" box set alot these days and its showing in my work.
lørdag 23. april 2011
Two blue women in hot water.
A cople of new works. Small canvases about blue women whos carried off by brutes, a lifeguard with a big old horsemask from Africa and a great ape. The ape is in leage with a robot and the lifeguard is working for the planet of the apes. Ive been enjoying my "Planet of the apes" box set alot these days and its showing in my work.
fredag 1. april 2011
Snakewomen of the west
This painting is based on the visions of a young man who asked me to paint a painting for him (for a fee). Its harder to paint something that dont spring out of your own mind, but when he told me what kind of things he wanted to happen in the picture it didnt take long before I saw that this was something I could get into. The snake comming out of a womans mouth is the highlight and something I really enjoyed painting. Its probably most peoples nightmare to have some kind of serpent forcing its way out of them..
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