onsdag 28. april 2010

No dentalproblems, but the rest is my problem.

Its probably needless to say whats going on here, its all about brushing and keeping your "choppers" clean. When something is off with the teeth, or in the mouth in general, all hope is lost..

So, have you heard about the popular group "Queen" ?. I cant help you with your schoolwork, but I can ask you things like that..

The one who dances with his cat.

This one is dedicated to my cat, or to the memory of my cat. I was listening to some tapes from my younger years a while back. I would try to tape songs by holding my tapedeck close to the tv and get all the rageing tunes off the movie "thrasin" to listen to on my walkman. While I was doing this my cat would show up and make all kinds of noice, and this is what I heard on my tape, 14 year old me and my cat, fighting it out in front of the old tv. So there it is.. dancing with his cat.
We had some great times that cat and me and Il never forget my time as a petowner.

søndag 11. april 2010


A little part of a bigger picture, re-done and put in a jaunty little frame. This dead old woman wants to get her hands on mr 50s clean, thinking that shes got it made, with some kind of heart gurgeling about on top of her dry chest. She lost touch with reality when she died.

torsdag 8. april 2010

Im so blue, set fire to my wife please.

Its world war two and the "Nips" are trying to bring some horror to the white man, by burning his woman. Later, we will be turned on in a sick way by this kind of action, imaginations will run on about the cruel things the evil powers might have done to pretty young women back in those crazy days.