Ive been enjoying some of those freak and sideshow posters of late and decided to try it out. All the freaks seems to be "born to live" from what the posters say and this I really liked, so I threw in one of those great bannners with a pig I saw in a poster about a farm of marvles.
Look out for more freaks in the future. A lobsterboy or a very fat man (other than the one writing this) might show up here in the future.
While I was doing my freakshow research I came over something very strange that seemd to be the trend between the great wars. This was postmortem photos of babies.. And they made them look alive somehow. Im no babylover, in any sense of the word, but this gave me a bit of the old "creeps". Look it up if you feel like ruining a day or some hours, depending on how hard your skin is. For me it passed in a cople of minutes... All riiight.