Ive been very interested in the book and movie about Bozo Texino, the boxcar artist. Old men writing with chalk on freight trains, drinking in strange places, the fuzz trying to ruin it for people and all other kinds of good times was had by these guys. Its still trying to go on, but the future is more or less killing that culture, or so it seems to me, the uninformed outsider.
I decided to make my own little hobo moniker, with the sign of the omega in it. A cowboy might not be the most original way to go, but I feel that with hhis 50s flavor and all hes got something going for himself. I wish I could take him on the road with some chalk and paintstick, a jug of vine and a banjo.. I think the banjoplaying comes naturally after a cople of days on the floor of a boxcar.. Or, playing the jug, blowing a tune, that might be the way to go for me.