The hammer is enjoying a day out in the green of deep summer.
onsdag 16. desember 2009
torsdag 10. desember 2009
The cobrasituation will change.
A big cobra and some evil going on. Slightly rougher than most of my work, just trying to be careless and cool, like a cobra on the back of some rebels jeanjacket in 78.
The other thing is a wizzard of sorts, transforming a woman into a deadhead. She might have been atractive and she might have had all the 50s style, but all he wants is to see a skull.
tirsdag 8. desember 2009
Close to the law
The deputy loves the cheerleader, but she wants something else out of life. Walking in the woods with her gay friend (the coolaid mug) she tells about how she wants to move on, get an education and live a life outside of that little town where the bring you up to do just what your parents did. But the deputy is drunk on power and weak american beer and he`s tired of all the girls wanting to leave and this one has gotten so close to his heart for some reason, so this is where it stops.
Some kids, learning about a wicked cool lifestyle/sport/hobby
Back to the 80s here and a skateshop in Strømstad, Sweden. At that time skate boarding was a crime in Norway, but "Back to the future" came and tore down that berlinwall. I never got good at the sport, but its graphics, colors and adventure really spoke to me.
The other kids in this picture are Erlend, Espen, Frode and Kristian. All of us are sporting brilliant hairstyles and its plain to see that the t-shirts and what not of the skateboardingera had yet to put any flavor on our clothingstyle. Its a important moment in the lives of these young guys really, as we look out into a world where you could be something else, not just the regular kid with clothing from the Cubus childrens department and a musical taste taken from "ti i skuddet".
tirsdag 1. desember 2009
The bonerangel bride and the symbolic fish.
A little shack and some skeletonwomen, comming out for a wedding under one of those symbolic fish the native americans used to like. Orko from the masters of the universe looks on with distaste for the whole event. Its hardly needed to mention that the man with the red west made this whole thing happen. And who will marry the skeleton ?. Well, thats you dear reader.
The skeletonwomen I drew while looking at those dia de los muertos dolls they make. Im a big fan of these dollmakers and the skeletons they create. One fine day I hope to see the day of the dead in person, down in Mexico, drunk and/or sick in some way in the insane heat..
lørdag 28. november 2009
The woodshed.. Dont go in there, even if it seems like good fun.
This picture is about a woodshed, just outside of a major city, but close enough to be within reach of all kinds of sinister goings on. You see these belts of nature and rural buildings from time to time on your way out of a big city and its very easy to imagine some downtown rogue thinking hes in way out in the country when he gets to these places and feels that he can hide his "stash" or dispose of unwanted people, but then he might get freaked out if he comes in contact with some animals. And animals get fooled in to places like this, looking for easy food from dumpsters and such.
The background of this picture is painted with a metallic purple that really make it shine in the right light.
onsdag 25. november 2009
Jungleshark blue.
This happens all the time and you know nothing.
mandag 23. november 2009
The red hand and the way to make a young woman blue, even for a three-eyed freak.
Blue scream

I dont know if I wanna call it a parody of the scream, but its my take on that famed painting. The shame of the tormented woman is different and so are the persons in the background, but they keep the emotional distance of the original. Who knows what they did to the blue woman..
The king goose in the background is a critical look at myself, as an artist.
torsdag 19. november 2009
Mask, pictures on a white wall and me. Another artshow freak out.
tirsdag 17. november 2009
The egghead productionline
These tubes produce smart people, well suited for good jobs and its on another side of the capital. On this side, you end up as some sort of clown, trying to fight back the tears. On Greenland, Svalbard and the north pole, they dont even understand what Im trying to tell them. Im pretty sure those people are idiots.
idiots eggheads optimistic
søndag 15. november 2009
Deerhunters in the sky
Cant be sure if this is a deer, moose or what have you, but I picked it up unpainted, in its natural wooden state and decided I would draw some things on it. To be able to show it off in a gallery I made a background for it out of more wood and painted some realistic nature on that.
This thing dont tell you anything about anything. Its one of those things that just is, not unlike the kinds of things you might see the very old jazzing up their homes with.
fredag 13. november 2009
The heat is on and the police cant belive it.
Two pictures I painted on some long canvases, with a great deal of inspiration from a great dvd I sent for called "Cultoons", wich featured vintage cartoons that never made it very big. I put the dvd on pause and tried to draw each of the charachters from the screen, Then I wanted to put them in some kind of relation to each other and make a new situation with them. The one with the drops, the sad sun and mr death is the best one, since it manages to get a point across, about how I dislike the heat and how it can be a silent killer even if it might seem like a good time.
torsdag 12. november 2009
Skylarking at the artshow

Back in 07 Erlend Smidt, Knut and I had a great show down in Årnes. This is us, laying it on very large before the public was let in. The shirtless hero in the middle is Knut, holding the boxlike contraction is Erlend and the grim reaper on the left is me, trying hard to keep my face out of any pictures.
Im sure the headlines would have read something like "artshow enjoyed by some" if the papers had been there, but they didnt.Still, this marks a highpoint for this team. Its been going downhill fast and the last time we had a go Erlend and I was left rolling a fake wall home from a market where no one wanted to buy anything from us and hardly anyone wanted to make eyecontact with us at all.
Blue woman knows her place

This is by far the picture Ive gotten the most reactions on, of the slightly negative kind. When it was first put out there in a show in 07 my good friend Erlends mother said it was hostile to women. Later when I was trying to offload it at a market a young woman said "æsj" when she walked by.. I liked both those reactions. Its not often you get to see a painting make people "feel ways about stuff".
This picture also marks the first time I used blue skin on a woman. What that means and how it came about will be told at some point, but Im keeping it under wraps a little while longer. Im sure some of you have figured it out allready.
onsdag 11. november 2009
No future for old men.

This is acrylic paint and a black pen on cardboard, for those who care about that kind of details.
tirsdag 10. november 2009
Reading a comicbook with my grandfather.

So, this might be where my life "in the arts" started. Reading comics as a young boy, or just looking at the pictures even. I would spend a great deal of time with my "stack", letting my imagination run wild. And at some point I wanted to tell my own stories trough drawing. The first thing I ever drew was Donald Duck and the boys, or ducks as they really were.. I tought they were brilliant and slightly better than the one in the magazine even, since mine had a gun..
cartoon comics older people
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